The Stone Roses’ genopstandelse tager form

Mick Jones fra The Clash er afsted i England på sin ugelange Justice Tonight-tour, til fordel for Liverpool’s Hillsborough Justice Campaign. Fredag aften blev The Ritz i Manchester besøgt og som surprisegæster kunne The Stone Roses’ Ian Brown og John Squire opleves på samme scene for første gang i 16 år. Her er de med på ‘Elizabeth My Dear’, ‘Bankrobber’ og ‘Armagideon Time’…

The Clash indspillede ‘Bankrobber’ i Pluto Studios i Manchester. Tilstede også der var bizart nok den da 15-årige Ian Brown. Tidligere Melody Maker-journalist John Robb fortæller på sin Justice Tonight-tourdagbog:

They (The Clash) finished the show and trouped down to the studio and began to work on this long dubbed out groove that became ‘Bankrobber’ walking down the street were two fifteen year old kids who heard drums coming down the street and then saw Topper Headon walk out onto the street and they then followed him into the studio.

They sat there and watched the Clash put together one of their greatest singles and were looked after by the band, whose legendary caring instincts for the fans was part and parcel of their whole thing. The two teenagers were Ian Brown and former Stone Roses bassist Pete Garner, they watched Joe Strummer lost in inspiration, clicking his fingers along to the studio clock writing words on scraps of paper and the song began to shape up.

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